• Dialektus Fesztivál 2002
  • Dialektus Fesztivál 2004
  • Dialektus Fesztivál 2007
  • Dialektus Fesztivál 2008
  • Dialektus Fesztivál 2009



Main sponsors

  • National Cultural Fund (Hungary)
  • Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary
  • Ministry of Culture and Education (Hungary)
  • Budapest - IX. District

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In 2010, 43 documantary films will compete in 3 categories from 15 European countries


Films by competition category:

Human stories (European documentaries)

  • One Goal
    D: Sergi Agusti - 26 min - Spain - es
  • Cooking History
    D: Péter Kerekes - 88 min - Austria - at - Czech Republic - cz - Slovak Republic - sk
  • René
    D: Helena Trestikova - 83 min - Czech Republic - cz
  • Rough Aunties
    D: Kim Longinotto - 103 min - United Kingdom - uk
  • The Moon Inisde You
    D: Diana Fabianova - 73 min - Spain - es - Slovak Republic - sk - France - fr


Deep descriptions (European anthropology films)

  • Sevdah
    D: Marina Andree - 66 min - Croatia - hr


Student-work (European student films)


Films by theme:

Who I am

  • Sevdah
    D: Marina Andree - 66 min - Croatia - hr
  • The Moon Inisde You
    D: Diana Fabianova - 73 min - Spain - es - Slovak Republic - sk - France - fr
  • René
    D: Helena Trestikova - 83 min - Czech Republic - cz




We are the history

  • Cooking History
    D: Péter Kerekes - 88 min - Austria - at - Czech Republic - cz - Slovak Republic - sk


Recipes for life

  • Rough Aunties
    D: Kim Longinotto - 103 min - United Kingdom - uk
  • One Goal
    D: Sergi Agusti - 26 min - Spain - es


Living together


By alphabetical order:

Afganské Ĺženy za volantom (Afghan Women Behind the Wheel)
D: Sahraa Karimi - 56 min - Slovak Republic - sk
The Analogical Island
D: Francesco Raganato - 27 min - Italy - it
Apró Örömök (Tiny Joys)
D: Ibolya Bálint - 67 min - Hungary - hu
Banánové děti (Banana kids)
D: Martin Rysavý - 63 min - Czech Republic - cz
Beneath Everest: Nepal Reborn
D: Tulsi Bhandari - 93 min - Germany - de
Bocca occhi orecchie. Un viaggio nelle Alpi albanesi (Lips, eyes, ears. A journey through the Albanian Alps)
D: Davide Sighele, Micol Cossali - 29 min - Italy - it
Cooking History
D: Péter Kerekes - 88 min - Austria - at - Czech Republic - cz - Slovak Republic - sk
Das Dschungelradio (The Jungle Radio)
D: Susanne Jäger - 90 min - Germany - de
Doing the Norway
D: Gry Mortensen - 30 min - Norway - no
Fába szorult lélek (Spirits in Wood)
D: János Tari - 60 min - Hungary - hu
Gauchos: El que no sube, no cae (Gauchos: If you don’t get on, you won’t fall off)
D: Jana Richter - 85 min - Germany - de
Gesichter der Frontier (Faces of the Frontier)
D: Nikolaus Braunshör, Thomas Marschall - 71 min - Austria - at
Grenzgänger (Borderliners)
D: Benjamin Tholen - 28 min - Germany - de
Grown in Detroit/Teen Moms become Urban Farmers
D: Mascha Poppenk, Manfred Poppenk - 60 min - Netherlands - nl
Három nővér (Three Sisters)
D: Edit Kőszegi - 31 min - Hungary - hu
Hatszáz év után az első (The First in Six Hundred Years)
D: Gábor Osgyáni - 54 min - Hungary - hu
Il velo (The Veil)
D: Mattia Colombo - 18 min - Italy - it
Kémek a porfészekben (Spy in a One Horse Town)
D: Gábor Papp - 51 min - Hungary - hu
Kukkolási jegyzőkönyvek (Peep Registers)
D: Anna Kós - 49 min - Romania - ro
Lekerekítés (Rounding Off)
D: Zsolt Keserue - 24 min - Hungary - hu
Les Pygmées Bagyéli a la Lisière du Monde (The Bagyeli Pygmies at the Fringes of the World)
D: François-Philippe Gallois - 87 min - France - fr
A Little Room
D: Giorgi Abashishvili - 6 min - Germany - de
Malaccal teljes (Full of Grease)
D: Kristóf Kovács - 57 min - Hungary - hu
Mein Vater. Mein Onkel (My Father. My Uncle)
D: Christoph Heller - 80 min - Germany - de
Mir Na Site (Peace For All)
D: Elizabeta Koneska - 26 min - Macedonia - mk
The Moon Inisde You
D: Diana Fabianova - 73 min - Spain - es - Slovak Republic - sk - France - fr
Mordakte Hrant Dink (Murder file Hrant Dink)
D: Simone Sitte, Osman Okkan - 80 min - Germany - de
Nasle Baran (Generation Rain)
D: Niloufar Shahisavandi - 22 min - Germany - de
NĂĽr regnen svigter (When the Rain Fails)
D: Jakob Gottschau - 45 min - Denmark - dk
One Goal
D: Sergi Agusti - 26 min - Spain - es
O Clube Dos Sem Teto (The Homeless Club)
D: Claudia Brenlla - 55 min - Spain - es
Plastic and Glass
D: Tessa Joosse - 9 min - Netherlands - nl
The Professional Foreigner: Asen Balikci & Visual Ethnography
D: Rolf Husmann, Manfred Krüger - 60 min - Germany - de
René (René)
D: Helena Trestikova - 83 min - Czech Republic - cz
Roma álom (Gypsy Dreams)
D: Eszter Nordin - 52 min - Hungary - hu
Rough Aunties
D: Kim Longinotto - 103 min - United Kingdom - uk
Sběr pana Hudečka a pana Reina (Collecting of Mr. Hudecek and Mr. Rein)
D: Richard Komárek - 50 min - Czech Republic - cz
D: Marina Andree - 66 min - Croatia - hr
Shooting Muhammad
D: Luca Cusani, Francesco Cannito - 50 min - Italy - it
Superhelden (Superheroes)
D: Janek Romero - 65 min - Germany - de
Vitejte v KLDR! (Welcome to North Korea!)
D: Linda Jablonska - 76 min - Czech Republic - cz
Välkommen till Hebron (Welcome to Hebron)
D: Terje Carlsson - 55 min - Sweden - se
Wiedergeboren in Westfalen (Reborn in Westphalia)
D: Melanie Liebheit - 88 min - Germany - de
Afghan Women Behind the Wheel (Afganské Ĺženy za volantom)
D: Sahraa Karimi - 56 min - Slovak Republic - sk
The Analogical Island
D: Francesco Raganato - 27 min - Italy - it
The Bagyeli Pygmies at the Fringes of the World (Les Pygmées Bagyéli a la Lisière du Monde)
D: François-Philippe Gallois - 87 min - France - fr
Banana kids (Banánové děti)
D: Martin Rysavý - 63 min - Czech Republic - cz
Beneath Everest: Nepal Reborn
D: Tulsi Bhandari - 93 min - Germany - de
Borderliners (Grenzgänger)
D: Benjamin Tholen - 28 min - Germany - de
Collecting of Mr. Hudecek and Mr. Rein (Sběr pana Hudečka a pana Reina)
D: Richard Komárek - 50 min - Czech Republic - cz
Cooking History
D: Péter Kerekes - 88 min - Austria - at - Czech Republic - cz - Slovak Republic - sk
Doing the Norway
D: Gry Mortensen - 30 min - Norway - no
Faces of the Frontier (Gesichter der Frontier)
D: Nikolaus Braunshör, Thomas Marschall - 71 min - Austria - at
The First in Six Hundred Years (Hatszáz év után az első)
D: Gábor Osgyáni - 54 min - Hungary - hu
Full of Grease (Malaccal teljes)
D: Kristóf Kovács - 57 min - Hungary - hu
Gauchos: If you don’t get on, you won’t fall off (Gauchos: El que no sube, no cae)
D: Jana Richter - 85 min - Germany - de
Generation Rain (Nasle Baran)
D: Niloufar Shahisavandi - 22 min - Germany - de
Grown in Detroit/Teen Moms become Urban Farmers
D: Mascha Poppenk, Manfred Poppenk - 60 min - Netherlands - nl
Gypsy Dreams (Roma álom)
D: Eszter Nordin - 52 min - Hungary - hu
The Homeless Club (O Clube Dos Sem Teto)
D: Claudia Brenlla - 55 min - Spain - es
The Jungle Radio (Das Dschungelradio)
D: Susanne Jäger - 90 min - Germany - de
Lips, eyes, ears. A journey through the Albanian Alps (Bocca occhi orecchie. Un viaggio nelle Alpi albanesi)
D: Davide Sighele, Micol Cossali - 29 min - Italy - it
A Little Room
D: Giorgi Abashishvili - 6 min - Germany - de
The Moon Inisde You
D: Diana Fabianova - 73 min - Spain - es - Slovak Republic - sk - France - fr
Murder file Hrant Dink (Mordakte Hrant Dink)
D: Simone Sitte, Osman Okkan - 80 min - Germany - de
My Father. My Uncle (Mein Vater. Mein Onkel)
D: Christoph Heller - 80 min - Germany - de
One Goal
D: Sergi Agusti - 26 min - Spain - es
Peace For All (Mir Na Site)
D: Elizabeta Koneska - 26 min - Macedonia - mk
Peep Registers (Kukkolási jegyzőkönyvek)
D: Anna Kós - 49 min - Romania - ro
Plastic and Glass
D: Tessa Joosse - 9 min - Netherlands - nl
The Professional Foreigner: Asen Balikci & Visual Ethnography
D: Rolf Husmann, Manfred Krüger - 60 min - Germany - de
Reborn in Westphalia (Wiedergeboren in Westfalen)
D: Melanie Liebheit - 88 min - Germany - de
René (René)
D: Helena Trestikova - 83 min - Czech Republic - cz
Rounding Off (Lekerekítés)
D: Zsolt Keserue - 24 min - Hungary - hu
Rough Aunties
D: Kim Longinotto - 103 min - United Kingdom - uk
D: Marina Andree - 66 min - Croatia - hr
Shooting Muhammad
D: Luca Cusani, Francesco Cannito - 50 min - Italy - it
Spirits in Wood (Fába szorult lélek)
D: János Tari - 60 min - Hungary - hu
Spy in a One Horse Town (Kémek a porfészekben)
D: Gábor Papp - 51 min - Hungary - hu
Superheroes (Superhelden)
D: Janek Romero - 65 min - Germany - de
Three Sisters (Három nővér)
D: Edit Kőszegi - 31 min - Hungary - hu
Tiny Joys (Apró Örömök)
D: Ibolya Bálint - 67 min - Hungary - hu
The Veil (Il velo)
D: Mattia Colombo - 18 min - Italy - it
Welcome to Hebron (Välkommen till Hebron)
D: Terje Carlsson - 55 min - Sweden - se
Welcome to North Korea! (Vitejte v KLDR!)
D: Linda Jablonska - 76 min - Czech Republic - cz
When the Rain Fails (NĂĽr regnen svigter)
D: Jakob Gottschau - 45 min - Denmark - dk